adventures aboard our CS34 sailboat

Tag sails

Video: New Precision Sails

Playing around with the GoPro video editor on my tablet and created a short video of the first "real" sail with our new sails from Precision Sails.

Our new sails have arrived!

Look what the courier just dropped off at our doorstep! We are so excited!

Lake of Bays Brewery – Foghorn

We stumbled across this beer called “Foghorn” in the liquor store and had to try it out!

Sail Designs from Precision Sails

We just received the designs back from Precision Sails. We are super excited but have no idea what to look for in these sail designs. What do you think?

Measuring our boat for new Precision Sails

It wasn’t a planned expense, but we are still running our original 30 year old sails that are still in decent shape but the sun damage has gotten to the point where they are just falling apart.

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