It only took us a few years to get back to the place that made us want to sail in the first place. We were so excited to be back! It’s beautiful.
It wasn’t a planned expense, but we are still running our original 30 year old sails that are still in decent shape but the sun damage has gotten to the point where they are just falling apart.
We continued our journey to the Thousand Islands. Today we learn what a “chicken jibe” is and hide out from the lightning next to the windmills.
Our plan is to take the outside route on Lake Ontario to get to Waupoos and anchor near Half Moon Bay. Our plan failed at the first step of waking up early.
Food has been provisioned, bags have been packed, the boat has been prepared (mostly). We head to the boat the night before to get settled in and prepare to leave early the next morning.
One of our Foggy Friends recently bought their own CS34 and just published this great YouTube video of their new boat. It’s great to see other CS34 boats, they are all very similar but have their slight differences. From what… Continue Reading →
Finally, after several years of trying to get back to the Thousand Islands we are heading out today!
We want to be able to keep better track of the power going in and out of our batteries when we are out cruising and heard good things about the Victron Smart Battery Monitor BMV-712. Other than running the wire… Continue Reading →
A fellow CS34 owner, Philip Maeise, has shared this information on repairing the base of his mast. Hopefully you will never need to do this, but it’s interesting to see the construction.
Our first DIY sail repair At the end of last season, we noticed a tear on the leech of our foresail. Come Spring, we found two more. We think our sails are 30 years old, so this is understandable. We… Continue Reading →
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