Foghorn Lullaby

adventures aboard our CS34 sailboat

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Waupoos Marina

We leave Half Moon Bay and motor 45 minutes into Waupoos Marina where we unexpectedly bump into our sailing instructor.

Cobourg to Waupoos

This is our first real trip on our new sailboat. We planned on hugging the shoreline and making the decision to take the outside or inside route once we were close to Presqu’ile. Our final destination is to anchor in… Continue Reading →

Cleaning the CS34 Bilge

I think there’s a fundamental flaw with the bilge on CS34s, or maybe it’s just ours. The lowest point in the system is underneath the kitchen sink. The previous owner flooded the bilge with antifreeze as a precaution against water… Continue Reading →

New tank and lines for propane Force 10 stove

After taking a closer look at our propane locker we found the tank was rusting out and had an older style connector that was looking in shape. The line was cracking and the rubber o-ring was deteriorated. It started with… Continue Reading →

Bluffers Park to Cobourg

Today is the day we get to take our new baby home. We convinced our friends who own a CS40 to join us for this trip since we had no idea what we were doing. This is our first real… Continue Reading →

CS34 Launch

Today is launch day! We are so excited and extremely nervous at the same time! It’s been crazy getting to this day and lots to learn and logistics to figure out. Launch is scheduled for 11am today. Borrowed my brother… Continue Reading →

Bluffers Park Marina Review

UPDATE Summer 2019: Bluffers park is currently closed because of high water levels. Bluffers park is a beautiful area just east of Toronto. There are several marinas in the area, and a popular place for houseboats.

CS34 Survey

We used our insurance company to provide us with a list of surveyors they would accept. From the top two recommended surveyors we selected DS Marine. Mostly because their website shows that they actively present and blog about boats and… Continue Reading →

We found our new boat!

After a month of searching, driving most weekends to look at boats, we have found our new boat!

Criss Cross – New Owners

With mixed emotions, we have sold out boat! Sad to see her go, but her new owners, Mariana and Juan, are going to be amazing and we know they will take great care of her!

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