Foghorn Lullaby

adventures aboard our CS34 sailboat

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Port Whitby Marina to Toronto Island

Day 2 of our trip to Toronto Island, we leave Port Whitby Marina and head into the inside harbour for the first time. Yes, we were nervous.

Cobourg to Port Whitby Marina

Day 1 of our trip to Toronto Island takes us from Cobourg to Port Whitby Marina on a beautiful sailing day and Lori begins her sailboat racing career.

Fix for Leaking Lewmar Portlight Windows

We found a simple, and cheap, solution for our leaking Lewmar portlight windows. It only took us over a month to get the order for the parts right.

Bloated Holding Tank – Updated

Our holding tank was filling up with air and looked like it was about to explode. After weeks of troubleshooting and learning about a marine head system we figured it out and have it fixed!

Thousand Islands Aug 2018 Summary

A summary of our 2018 Thousand Islands trip.

Heading home

The weather finally improved enough for us to leave Kingston and continue our journey home. It took most of the day to get to Trenton marina. Next morning we took the Murray Canal and arrived home in Cobourg late that… Continue Reading →

Stuck in Kingston

With heavy winds and nasty weather continuing to hit us we decided to stay another day in Kingston.

Leaving Thousand Islands Early

After just arriving in the Thousand Islands, we had to head home early.

Kingston to Leek (Thawartway) Island

We made it to the Thousand Islands! We left Navy Bay in Kingston and made our first stop at Thwartaway Island, also known as Leek Island.

Waupoos to Kingston

We have a less than stellar launch from Waupoos and accidentally drop our genoa. The rest of the trip was beautiful and we find a perfect anchor spot in Navy Bay.

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