I’ve been waiting for a while to figure out what’s going on inside of our boom. We had difficulties last season with the reefing lines getting stuck when raising our main. We would have to pull the reefing lines out… Continue Reading →
Found a bit of time between kids activities to get out to the boat for a few hours this weekend. We were able to remove the winter cover and bring the boom home.
Our traveller was due for some needed maintenance. Spent some time today cleaning it up.
Our dinghy outboard motor was getting a bit temperamental and we wanted something dependable and easy to use. All it took was one sales ad from Honda to purchase a new outboard now.
We spent the morning on the boat getting some measurements and making sure our boat’s winterization was working.
We finally decided on our new anchor and picked one up from the Toronto Boat show.
Time for the boat to be hauled out of the water. We were nervous since this was our first time but had experts at Wiggers take great care of us!
A. Visitor and fuel dock. Main office is at the start of the dock. B. Restaurant and bar, The Upper Deck C. Washroom, for marina guests only, requires key code.D. Yorkbay Mechanical Services
It was a rough day, and we now know what it sounds like when your anchor rapidly descends from the bow of your boat.
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