With the current state of things, the boat might stay out of the water for the entire season. I’ve documented some background on what’s happening here with our current thoughts.
Some good news, we are one step closer to having solar on our sailboat! We ordered through Pat Tasse at SunTech Enterprises. He had all the equipment in stock, except the solar panel. He put in the order and we… Continue Reading →
This year is our electrical year and with continued concerns about availability of shore power we’ve decided now is the time to add marine solar to Foggy. This will be an interesting project since we started with zero knowledge about… Continue Reading →
Foggy is doing well surviving the winter on the hard. We didn’t get any crazy cold days this winter but we did get more than usual snowfalls and some stormy windy days. Went out to check and do some measurements… Continue Reading →
With a sad and heavy heart we had to recently say goodbye to my father-in-law, Frank Mosienko (aka Grumpy Gramps or Crankie Frankie). He passed away on January 18, 2020.
The final step in tucking in our CS34 sailboat in for the winter, a nice warm blanket. It took us two trips and made one discovery/mistake along the way.
This year felt much easier than last year, we now have the delusion of knowing what we are doing and we knew Wiggers would take good care of us.
I was invited out to race this season, every Wednesday night on a 28 foot Laser keel boat. Yes, Laser built a keel boat! And am I’m slowly making my way up the sailing crew ranks from my rail meat… Continue Reading →
It was that sad time of the year when we needed to take the boat out of the water. We left it late and were unsure what the weather would be for the sail to Wiggers for lift out.
We replaced our lost Bruce Anchor with a brand new 35lb Mantus anchor. We don’t want to lose a second anchor, so we decided to add a Mantus Anchor Mate to help secure our new anchor.
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