adventures aboard our CS34 sailboat

Category Sailboat Adventures

Week 2: Little Falls, NY to Amsterdam, NY

We continue our journey along the NY Canal system towards the Hudson River.

Week 1: Kingston ON to Erie Canal

Pre-departure (Sept 6-9) Shane finished work on July 15th and I started my leave on August 18th. Our boat projects and preparations were riddled with hic-ups all summer, including a bad case of COVID, several unexpected doctor visits and a… Continue Reading →

Leaving Canada and crossing Lake Ontario

Sept 9: Loyalist Cove Ontario to Oswego New York At 8:00am we leave Loyalist cove, not by boat, but by car. One of our boat buddies at Loyalist helped us out by driving me to Marine Outfitters for one last… Continue Reading →

Quick Update – Our Trip

We are so far behind in documenting our journey I’m going to just give a quick update and go back later and fill in some of the details and add lots of photos later.

2022 Sailing Season Summary

A quick summary of 2022 since I never posted anything…

Camelot Island 2022

We leave Sugar Island and end up on the dock at Camelot Island, we see a few old friends and meet some new ones, including another CS34 owner.

Week on the Boat and Fishing for First Time

We leave Brakey Bay and end up at a nice anchorage north of Sugar Island. Lori has a successful day fishing for the first time!

Heading to Thousand Islands – Brakey Bay

It’s our first trip to the Thousand Islands this season and Lori and I are soo excited! Our first stop, Brakey Bay.

We Are Sailing Again… Finally!

Engine is running again, still needs some minor adjustment but she’s running smoothly and not leaking any fluids. We are finally cruising again, as much as we can!

Weekend with Friends on our Floating Mastless Cottage

When summer is quickly sailing by and you still don’t have a mast, you make the best of it that you can. We spend the weekend on the boat with friends.

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