We leave Brakey Bay and end up at a nice anchorage north of Sugar Island. Lori has a successful day fishing for the first time!
It was a calm sail from Brakey Bay towards the Lake Fleet Islands. Checking out our favourite spots along the way but couldn’t find any available buoys to tie up to. We ended up at Sugar Island, which is still affected by the pandemic, didn’t see many people on the island.

Lori is now able to legally fish! With her fishing license in hand, we went out in the dinghy to try it out for the first time. I went along for emotional support.

It was a successful day with a number of perch, a small bass and once nasty looking pike that fortunately wiggled itself off the hook. They have sharp looking teeth!

Lori is now officially “hooked” on fishing (ha ha, sorry I couldn’t resist that dad joke).
This is one of our favourite spots, when the weather is right. You do get some waves from the passing ferries but it’s normally a quiet spot. Anchoring can be tricky here as the ground is covered in a thick mossy like blanket of weeds and there are a few underwater cables you need to watch out for.
We had a nice, fish free, curry dinner and played cribbage in the cockpit.

It was a beautiful night for some drone pics of the boat.

Next day I had to spend most of it working from the boat. And then took a quick spin around the neighborhood to see if there was another spot available.

A. Started out North of Sugar Island
B. Possible bay to anchor in, but not very protected.
C. Interesting bay to anchor in, but shallow and narrow.
D. Mooring balls south of Endymion
E. Docks at Camelot
F. Small shallow bay West of Camelot
It was an interesting but unfruitful trip, we ended back right where we started. And spent another day North of Sugar island.
The next day with a forecast of little to no wind we decided to give the small bay South of Sugar Island a try (C). We entered the opening and anchored in seven feet of water. It was a beautiful spot but we were nervous. A shift of low winds would swing the boat toward either side so we kept the length of our rode (anchor line) short to limit how far we would swing away from the anchor.

It was a beautiful spot, had the occasional boat go by causing a bit of wave but it was calmer than the wakes thrown up by the ferries.

We enjoyed and slightly feared the shore being so close. We saw and heard more wildlife including watching what we thought was a sea otter swimming close to shore. It jumped out and we then realized that squirrels can swim!
It was another beautiful night, but can’t say I slept soundly since I kept poking my head out to see how close we were to the shore.

Next morning we pull anchor and continued on with our adventure.

Will definitely be back to this small little cove. It’s a private island owned by the American Canoe Association so I wouldn’t tie off to land but maybe a stern anchor to keep us centered may work? But only on calm nights.
How would you anchor here?
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