We hangout in Loyalist Cove on Canada Day and see the Sheepdogs at the MacKinnon Brothers Brewing Company with our daughter, son-in-law and newborn grandson.
It’s sad, Foggy still didn’t have her mast and the engine was still being repaired. But we could still stay on the boat for the weekend to enjoy some of the local festivities. Canada Day seems like a big deal in Loyalist Cove!

After getting settled in we drove up to the MacKinnon Brothers Brewery, 10 minutes away.
It’s a beautiful setup. The wooden bandstand is right in front of the hops growing in the background. Our grandson, just two months old here, seemed to enjoy the music and was great keeping his headphones on. We found a nice spot towards the back of the crowd to setup on the grass and enjoyed the music.

The Brewery didn’t disappoint with the beer supplies, my favourite is the 8 Man English Pale Ale. But having a baby changes the dynamics. We only had a few beers that night.

The original Mackinnon BBQ truck was there serving up the most amazing barbequed “Moose Bites”. No, they weren’t made of moose, but they were some sort of pork belly amazing goodness that forced me to go back for a second order even though I was stuffed! Soo good.

The Sheepdogs were great and so happy we saw them at this fantastic venue. The vibe amongst the crowd was great as well, everyone was enjoying themselves and having fun time.

After the concert as we were leaving, we saw the police nicely setup just up the road with their flashing lights clearly visible from the brewery parking lot. We thought this was the perfect setup. They were there in plain sight for everyone to realize they were going to be checked. We got stopped and quickly questioned, my grandson, with perfect timing starts crying and we get waved through. We weren’t worried we were good to drive, it just saved us a bit of time.
We get back to the boat, taking care not to disturb the nasty and evil Canadian Geese that hang out near the entrance to our dock.

And we prepare a nice little sleeping spot in the main cabin. This worked perfectly.

It was a good night, and next day my grandson got to have his very first bath on the sailboat.

Even without a mast, or a working engine, Foggy didn’t fail to bring us comfort at the dock. It was a great weekend.
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