Our friends suggested we explore the Wandering Channel just outside Gananoque and find a new spot to anchor. It was a bit of an adventure and we took one wrong turn.
Date: July 22, 2020 Distance: 3.2 NM Total Time: 1 hour 35 minutes Weather: Overcast, warm and calm

It’s a beautiful area with lots of luxurious looking houses along the shorelines.

With the small boats all motoring around delivering people and goods. I mentioned it kind of reminds me of the fishing village areas on the West coast of Vancouver Island. Except… everyone here is stinking rich.
Then we had a small mix-up.

As you can see from the track above, we wandered a little off course. As we were following our friends through the channel we realized we had taken a wrong turn and headed to shallow water, we briefly stopped, went back, paused and then another sailboat come motoring in and yelled out to us, “follow me!”. We did. Take note, go to the right of Burnt Island!

Here’s our final anchoring spot. It was a little busy and had to anchor close to several other boats. Starting to get a bit more comfortable on where we can anchor. Also started tying off a line to a small float to mark my anchor so I can keep track of it and also for other boats looking to anchor next to us.

And, of course, here’s another video of me diving down on the anchor. This time, no cheesy music just raw underwater bubbly sounds. Sorry, I personally can’t get enough of these. I find it interesting to see what the surface of the ground looks like in each anchorage.
There wasn’t much wind that night and we just hovered around our anchor. We had dinner on our friend’s CS40, pasta with white sauce and hamburger.

A few beers and somehow the rest of my bottle of whiskey evaporated. Went back to our boat and spent most of the evening on the foredeck enjoying the night. Tomorrow we head into Gananoque for supplies (aka beer), recharge and pick up our daughter and son-in-law.

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