We invited a few friends out for a night on the boat. There wasn’t enough wind for a sail so we motored out in front of Cobourg Beach, dropped our anchor, and enjoyed the evening.
This was another test of our new Mantus Anchor, although wasn’t much of a test since there wasn’t much wind. But it was good knowing we didn’t have to worry about drifting.

We hung out and had a very tasty dinner brought by our guests, jumped in the water to cool off. Spent time just lounging in the dinghy with our feet dragging in the water. And then we just watched the sun go down. OK, we also had one slightly competitive game of Euchre.

This was the latest we’ve stayed out of the harbour, and we were starting to get a bit nervous as we saw the sun drop below the horizon.

I’m glad we did, it was really easy to get back to our dock. We fired up the engine, turned on the running lights and puttered back into the harbour and had good visibility just by the surrounding lights.
Please turn your lights off if you are parked on boardwalk
However, one criticism I have is the people that park on the boardwalk with their car headlights turned on pointing into the harbour. I was fine until I turn right into my slip and all I see is three cars parked ahead all with their headlights on. I was blinded and had to judge my docking by the shadows.
I wanted to politely go up and talk with the drivers after we tied up, but Lori stopped me. I promised I was going to be civil, but in the end listened to Lori. Maybe I should look for some high power LED flood lights to mount on the bow of the boat?
Saw some sailors we’ve met before
On the way out, there was a beautiful red hulled sailboat anchoring. And it looked really familiar. Later, we realized it was the same boat we saw during our trip to the Thousand Islands in our previous Macgregor sailboat.

I believe this is the same couple that politely motored up to us when we were trying, unsuccessfully, to anchor in the bay North of Sugar Island.
Afterwards, I did confirm it is the same boat. You’ll see a picture of their boat in our post: Thousand Islands – Our first anchor. I wish we stopped to say “hi” now.
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